Teams get 1 point for pros, and lose 1 point for cons.
Round I: "Pop Darts": The most popular dart guns of each line.
From Team NERF: Maverick REV-6
From Team Buzz Bee: Rogue
Maverick's pros:
- Fires easily and quickly
- Tremendous accuracy
- Compatible with most NERF darts
- Easy to cock
Maverick's cons:
- Jams sometimes
Rogue's pros:
- Fires easily
- Seldom jams
- Good range
- Good accuracy
- Looks like a ray gun. :)
Rogue's cons:
- Not visually appealing (clashing color scheme/drab)
- Barrel has to be hand-revolved
- Cocking mechanism isn't easy to use
Nerf's in the lead with 3, and Buzz Bee falls behind with 2.
Round 2: "Auto Darts": Automatic dart guns.
From Team NERF: Barricade RV-10
From Team Buzz Bee: Automatic Tommy 20
Barricade's pros:
- Great overall design
- Lightweight for an auto
- Fires quickly with a little sting; can sting even more if modded
- Revolves easily
- Doesn't require too many batteries.
Barricade's cons:
- A little noisy.
Tommy 20's pros:
- Has continuous blast if you hold the trigger.
- Great color scheme
- Flywheel mech operates pretty well.
Tommy 20's cons:
- Unwieldy
- Slightly inaccurate
Buzz Bee really needs to catch up!
Round 3: "The Big Guns" The biggest and baddest dart guns/missile launchers.
From Team NERF: Titan AS-V1
From Team Buzz Bee: Maniac
Titan's pros:
- It's an uber gun! How can anyone DISLIKE it?
- Packs a punch
- Extremely great range; up to 80 feet if angled upwards
- Intimidating
Titan's cons:
- Only 1 shot
- No replacement missiles: you'll have to either contact Nerf or buy another Titan
- Requires a lot of pumping
Maniac's pros:
- The name fits: it is a maniacal gun! It has a missile AND 20 darts.
- Intimidating
- Fires quite well
- The missiles LIGHT UP!
- The two triggers are easy to operate.
- Packs a BIG punch
Maniac's cons:
- Kind of a duplicate of the Ultimate Berserker
- Two triggers are hard to remember which is which.
Now, it's time to tally up the points.
Team NERF: 3+4+1=8
Team Buzz Bee: 4+1+2=7
It's a close one, but the gold medal has to go to NERF, winning by only 1 point! Even though Buzz Bee lost this year's battle, we at Dart Tag Havoc strongly recommend buying other brands, such as Buzz Bee, Prime Time, and Air Strike. Always great to try something new!
Well, that concludes the battle! Stay tuned for more reviews!